
label- less products and such

What do i do when products are not labeled with "made in (a country)?"
I bought Mead "Press-it Seal-it" envelopes and since I was already at the cash register, I could only give the box a quick turn before handing it over. It was label-less. If OfficeMax name tags were made in China, these envelopes could just as easily been made in China. I will have to ignore the fact that there is no label... for now.

on another note...

I know it has only been 27 days, but I have become very aware of where my money goes (mostly on eating out or buying food). I no longer take random strolls through the mall, knowing that I will have longing for things just because I can't have them. (Yes, sometimes I just went to the mall or walked along streets with shops to get out of the house). Good thing I have no money to spend either : P


  1. That's so cool how you're going china-free. Stick it to em! As for spending money... I totally feel you on this one. It's good to be frugal. Loans are destroying me!

  2. all my money goes to food and gas too.. it's actually shocking how much I spent on food or eating out in a month. shocking!
